Epistolary, Stories
Love Letter (2)

To read the previous installment: LOVE LETTER

Didn’t you know? That you were annoying, that you made terrible jokes and awful puns. Didn’t you know? That no matter how much you pretended to be indifferent, you could never really hide the tiny things that showed you loved me. The way you smiled at me when you were happy. The way you fretted over tiny things that hurt me and defended me against all the people who hated me.

Don’t you know that I, remember every single thing about you. The things you say. The way you talk. The way you slide your hair behind your ear, hoping that it doesn’t look untidy and rub your nose, hoping that there isn’t any dirt on it.

Don’t you know that I never went to a dance recital after you left. That all the dancing you so longed to see was meaningless to go through if you weren’t by my side. That I never really had any interest in the dancing girls and boys on stage, twirling and twisting, but rather the joy that lit your face when you watched them dance.

Don’t you know, now that I no longer get to see you or hear your playful voice, that I write letters to you, hoping you haven’t forgotten me. That perhaps one day you’ll still reply. Your i’s barely ever dotted and your t’s crossed terribly. That one day you’ll walk back into the kitchen we shared and cook with heaps of chocolate and only share tiny bits with me, just because you love chocolate so dearly. And while you eat, you’ll have chocolate smeared across your lips and face creating a moustache that you refuse to wash off.

Don’t you know? That I miss you. That my ring is still on my finger, but you aren’t with me. That I don’t know where you are and it hurts me to be happy without you. That I can’t find you. That I’m losing myself while looking for you..

All my love, 


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