
A caress of strings
That touched upon a humid loneliness
Broke the silence, in cheery reverberation.
An echo, on a crowded street
Breaking the hum and buzz of chatter
That lingered outside a stone cathedral.
Upon whose windows were painted,
Gospel women in tinted tessellation
Of rainbow.
Solemn countenance, that smiled
Not even at the angel hymns
Drawn with passion, famed beauty
Upon which stared 1000’s of dark eyes
And yet found that they had to leave.
Whereupon cobbled streets,
They hovered with the breeze
To listen to the strumming of a guitar.
Cups of coffee and whispered voices
That dance a salsa with the music
And find solace in the rhythmic beat
Of melody and harmony.
One that wasn’t embodied even,
In stone, glass and statues of a God.

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