Year: 2018
The Zoya Project
Book Reviews
Circe – A Review

Often I feel, mythology teaches us so much about life that we seldom take the time to learn. It shows us the immensities of the world that we are incapable of understanding through characters who live through great wars and tragic romances and shoulder burdens that seem to be so heavy they can break the […]

The Zoya Project
Book Reviews
The Night Circus – A Review

So it is for me, a travesty that I hadn’t read this before now. This book is a work of art. If I didn’t believe that harming books in any manner is a human sin I would love to wallpaper my room with my favorite pages and scenes from The Night Circus. It is a […]

The Zoya Project
Book Reviews
Aangan (The Women’s Courtyard) – A Review

What does it mean to be a woman? We have been pressed and moulded into what society expects of us so many times that it seems almost inexplicable to know what it means to be a woman. A woman worthy of love. One worthy of respect. What does it take to be the woman who […]

The Zoya Project
Stories, Travel
A Sailors Song

My mother always told me that the sound the ocean made was the song of drowned sailors. She sang her story in her lilting voice as we sat on the white sand warmed by the sweltering sunlight upon our cheeks.That rolling expanse of deep blue hums with power as it lilts back and forth. As […]

The Zoya Project

When I was four, My mother reminded me That little children were liked more When they were silent. And I wondered for many years after What she meant. (‘silence’ – complete absence of sound.) She smiled at me when I made no sound, Revelling in her new found ‘silence’ While I wondered how she could […]

The Zoya Project
Book Reviews
Legendary- A Review

So I’ve been putting this off because of how this book ended. The cliffhanger eviscerated me and I need the last book of the trilogy now. NOW! NOW! NOW! For anyone who is reading this and is unfamiliar with the first book you can revisit my review of book one in the series here! So […]

The Zoya Project
Book Reviews
Lady Thief – A Review

Whoever designs these covers should be given a prize, they’re so beautiful… This has been on my TBR for years! A.C. Gaughen took two years in releasing this after Scarlet, the cliffhanger of the same being brutal. It’s also a content-heavy first novel so I had forgotten what had happened by the time Lady Thief […]

The Zoya Project
Book Reviews

I am finally revisiting this book after years. Mainly because I finally want to read the sequel. I first read this in 2013, and I wasn’t too familiar with how to find out when the sequel would be arriving. The cliffhanger this book ends with me gutted me, so many years later once all three […]

The Zoya Project
Book Reviews
A Reaper At The Gates – A Review

Sabaa Tahir has officially destroyed me. Let me start by saying, that I’ve been waiting for A Reaper at the Gates for about a year, since I read Torch in May 2017. And I have now finished Reaper in three hours on my first ever solo girls trip in Europe on a train from the […]

The Zoya Project
Book Reviews
An Enchantment of Ravens – A Review

I adore faerie stories. The possibilities seem endless and yet in our own ways we have demarcated rules of their world. Whether these rules have come from fae yet to be discovered or books of the old I will never know, but the idea of the fae world has always enchanted me. This book is […]