Poetry, The Constellation Series
Pavo ~ the peacock

PAVO ~ the peacock

I let my light, leak out of my veins
Translucent and silver.
I let it, dance around the cosmos
Skating amongst the planets
And all the other rocks and dust,
Spreading out like
Long fingers
Splayed across the universe
In an eternal hold.
I let it drip slowly
Leaving streaks of brilliance across my skin
Before dripping down my fingers
Into a pool of luminescent
The gold of a sunny day,
The viridescence of the dusty skies
The azure of the hottest stars
And a thousand shades of ebony
In which they are able to glow.
I let my light illuminate,
The nooks in between which
The darkness sits
Steeped in silences
So that it may seem, a bit noisier
A bit more musical
Than before,
So that every murky crag
Of black night sky
Stuck in between the stars
Will seem heartbreakingly

Featured artwork: Sana Hassan

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