I count the starsEvery December,Hoping for the skyTo burst aflameIn fiery gold.So I might remember,The honey,That dripsWith an exquisite slownessInto the depths ofMy tea.Or the lickOf flamesFrom a wildfireStoked in the woodsTo roastSugary marshmallows.Or the burnOf candlesCoated in glitter,That smell ofThe amber depthsOf a spiced apple toddy,That I will toastTo the starsIn January.

There are thingsI dream ofOnly in December,They come inShadesOf blues and silversLike frost on lakes,That hideThe cold within theDeep blue below,Through silvery smiles.And the veins ofSnowflakesLike the deep blueVeinsThat formIn a cheesecakeSprinkledWith blueberries.And snowstormsThat whirl byOn silver ice-skatesSlicing through frostAnd dreamsUntil I wakeIn January.

So after A Sky Beyond The Storm I’ve been a bit depressed. My most anticipated read of the year didn’t pan out and Goodreads told me my average book ratings this year were around a 3.6. So it’s basically been an average reading year. At any rate my go to in these sort of depressed […]

A few weeks ago I heard they were turning popular YA duology, Tiny Pretty Things into a Netflix show. I’m a huge TV critic (in my small social circle that is) and I’m usually quite brutal, so I knew I would end up watching it which is why I had to read the book first. […]

The immensities of the past often fall like water upon our shoulders. The burden too heavy for us to carry and so while some things soak into you skin and memory, others form forgotten puddles on the meandering roads of history. They lie there, a dip of stories that more often than not no one […]

Hold a stethoscope to the chestOf a piano,And hear it breatheAs you play each key. Let the music flow and thrum In sinewy veins and chords. Let the beating of heavy sighs Beat with your irregularly shaped heart As it tightens and Turning heavy Dragging you down. Pulling at your scalp.Drawing water from your eyes. […]