As a little girl, when I started my experiments with words, I didn’t know the many adventures awaiting me. I just knew that words had power that I couldn’t wait to explore. Not only was I inspired by the culture around me but also by the stories that were yet to be shared.

To express love as poetry, misadventures as humorous experiences, sadness as astonishing moments of clarity – words strung together gave life meaning. I then realised that this is my gift, the way I can express myself best – through writing.

As I turn older and hopefully slightly wiser, I am ready to embark on a journey to bring forth a larger collection of prose, poems and travelogues. I hope to take you on a journey with me where I share anecdotes from across the world. Where I share my love for art and where my ideas find words.

I use my work to bring you the most powerful feelings and stories that I’ve experienced through life as not only a writer, but a traveller and do it with just the right amount of sass. It’s a confection of everything good – passion, skill, ideas and love with just the right helping of humour.

Here is my brainchild – The Zoya Project.