Category: Stories
The Zoya Project
Hot Topics, Stories
Terror Terrain

In wake of recent events, I thought I needed to write about what’s been going on around the world and profess my grief in the best way I can. Here’s praying that we can heal and live safe still… I had been ravaged. Scars form ravines on body, scorch marks have become adornments to a […]

The Zoya Project
Epistolary, Stories
Love Letter (2)

To read the previous installment: LOVE LETTER Didn’t you know? That you were annoying, that you made terrible jokes and awful puns. Didn’t you know? That no matter how much you pretended to be indifferent, you could never really hide the tiny things that showed you loved me. The way you smiled at me when you […]

The Zoya Project
Epistolary, Stories
Love Letter

Your eyes, painted pictures, on the canvas, that was my body. Drawing out lines of laughter, frowning wrinkles and greying hairs with invisible paint. You drew out a map of my heart. The arteries and veins, created roads and bridges, upon which your name ran and danced. The blood flowing through the rivers of my […]